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Frequently-Asked Questions

Why is the mod a .dll?

Ep1p uses code injection to make changes to the game that would not be possible with a regular .pak mod, similar to Norbyte's DOS2 Script Extender. The mod's repository is available on GitHub and is buildable from source.

Can I rebind the new hotkeys?

The in-game settings menu cannot currently be used for this, but you can rebind the new hotkeys by editing the mod's settings file (Ep1pSettings.json), which is created after modifying the settings at least once.

The relevant settings are:

  • ExamineHotkey: hotkey to open the examine UI. Default is T (key #55)

Keys are identified by numerical IDs, as per the following table:

Key name ID
None -1
Return 0
Escape 1
Backspace 2
Tab 3
CapsLock 4
Space 5
PrintScreen 6
ScrollLock 7
Pause 8
Insert 9
Home 10
PageUp 11
Delete 12
End 13
PageDown 14
Comma 15
Minus 16
Dot 17
Slash 18
Semicolon 19
Equals 20
LeftSquareBracket 21
Backslash 22
RightSquareBracket 23
Backtick 24
Apostrophe 25
Num0 26
Num1 27
Num2 28
Num3 29
Num4 30
Num5 31
Num6 32
Num7 33
Num8 34
Num9 35
A 36
B 37
C 38
D 39
E 40
F 41
G 42
H 43
I 44
J 45
K 46
L 47
M 48
N 49
O 50
P 51
Q 52
R 53
S 54
T 55
U 56
V 57
W 58
X 59
Y 60
Z 61
F1 62
F2 63
F3 64
F4 65
F5 66
F6 67
F7 68
F8 69
F9 70
F10 71
F11 72
F12 73
F13 74
F14 75
F15 76
F16 77
F17 78
F18 79
F19 80
F20 81
F21 82
F22 83
F23 84
F24 85
Right 86
Left 87
Down 88
Up 89
NumLock 90
KP_Divide 91
KP_Multiply 92
KP_Minus 93
KP_Plus 94
KP_Enter 95
KP1 96
KP2 97
KP3 98
KP4 99
KP5 100
KP6 101
KP7 102
KP8 103
KP9 104
KP0 105
KP_Period 106
LCtrl 107
LShift 108
LAlt 109
LGUI 110
RCtrl 111
RShift 112
RAlt 113
RGUI 114
Mode 115
Left_2 116
Middle 117
Right_2 118
X1 119
X2 120
Motion 121
Motion_XNeg 122
Motion_YPos 123
Motion_XPos 124
Motion_YNeg 125
Wheel_XPos 126
Wheel_XNeg 127
Wheel_YPos 128
Wheel_YNeg 129
LeftStick_XNeg 130
LeftStick_YPos 131
LeftStick_XPos 132
LeftStick_YNeg 133
RightStick_XNeg 134
RightStick_YPos 135
RightStick_XPos 136
RightStick_YNeg 137
LeftTrigger 138
RightTrigger 139
A_2 140
B_2 141
X_2 142
Y_2 143
Back 144
Guide 145
Start 146
LeftStick 147
RightStick 148
LeftShoulder 149
RightShoulder 150
DPad_Up 151
DPad_Down 152
DPad_Left 153
DPad_Right 154
Touch_Tap 155
Touch_Hold 156
Touch_Pinch_In 157
Touch_Pinch_Out 158
Touch_Rotate 159
Touch_Flick 160

Modifiers (binding to Left Shift / Left Alt / Left Ctrl + another key) are not currently supported.