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The Color library offers utilities for working with colors, either through RGB, decimal, or hex.

The constructor methods create an RGBColor table.

The library also contains constants for common colors used by Larian.

ColorLib Class


function ColorLib.Clone(color)
   -> RGBColor -- New instance with same values.

Clones a color instance.

@param color RGBColor

function ColorLib.Create(red, green, blue, alpha)
   -> RGBColor

Alias for creating an RGBColor from RGBA values.

@param red integer?

@param green integer?

@param blue integer?

@param alpha integer?

function ColorLib.CreateFromDecimal(num)
   -> RGBColor

Creates a color from a decimal value.

Does not support alpha.

@param num integer

function ColorLib.CreateFromHSV(hue, saturation, value)
   -> RGBColor

Creates a color from HSV values.

@param hue integer In degrees.

@param saturation number As percentage.

@param value number As percentage.

function ColorLib.CreateFromHex(hex)
   -> RGBColor

Creates a color from an html-format hex color code.

Does not support alpha.

@param hex htmlcolor

function ColorLib.CreateFromRGB(red, green, blue, alpha)
   -> RGBColor

Creates a color from RGBA values. Expected range of values is [0-255].

@param red integer?

@param green integer?

@param blue integer?

@param alpha integer?

function ColorLib.IsHexColorCode(text)
   -> boolean

Returns whether a string is a valid hex color code.

@param text string May be prefixed with "#".

function ColorLib.Lerp(startColor, targetColor, progress)

Creates a new color whose RGB components are linearly interpolated from one to another.

Uses the alpha of the target color.

@param startColor RGBColor

@param targetColor RGBColor

@param progress number Expected values are from 0.0 to 1.0.

RGBColor Class


function RGBColor:Clone()
   -> RGBColor

Returns a new instance of RGBColor with the same values.

function RGBColor.Create(r, g, b, a)
   -> RGBColor

Creates a color from RGBA values.

Expected range is [0-255] and will be clamped.

@param r integer?

@param g integer?

@param b integer?

@param a integer? Defaults to 255.

function RGBColor.CreateFromDecimal(num)
   -> RGBColor

Creates a color from a decimal value.

Does not support alpha.

@param num integer

function RGBColor.CreateFromHSV(hue, saturation, value)
   -> RGBColor, number, number, number -- Color and RGB values as floats.

Creates a color from HSV values.

@param hue integer In degrees.

@param saturation number As fraction.

@param value number As fraction.

function RGBColor.CreateFromHex(hex)
   -> RGBColor

Creates a color from a hexadecimal value.

Does not support alpha.

@param hex htmlcolor

function RGBColor:Equals(color)
   -> boolean

Returns whether 2 colors have the same RGBA values.

@param color RGBColor

function RGBColor:ToDecimal(addAlpha)
   -> integer

Returns the decimal representation of the color.

Actionscript expects colors to be represented in this way.

@param addAlpha boolean? Defaults to false.

function RGBColor:ToFloats()
   -> number, number, number, number

Returns the RGBA values as floats in the range[0.0 - 1.0]

function RGBColor:ToHSV()
   -> integer, integer, integer -- Hue, saturation, value.

Converts RGB values to HSV.

Ignores alpha.

function RGBColor:ToHex(prefix, addAlpha)
   -> string

Returns the hexadecimal representation of the color.

@param prefix boolean? Prefix the string with #. Defaults to false.

@param addAlpha boolean? Defaults to false. If enabled, resulting color will be in the format `#RRGGBBAA`

function RGBColor:Unpack()
   -> integer ...

Unpacks the color's RGB values, alpha included.

function RGBColor.__add(color1, color2)
   -> RGBColor

__add overload. Adds the RGB values of both colors.

@param color1 RGBColor

@param color2 RGBColor

function RGBColor.__eq(color1, color2)
   -> boolean

__eq overload. Equivalent to calling RGBColor:Equals()

@param color1 RGBColor

@param color2 RGBColor

function RGBColor.__sub(color1, color2)
   -> RGBColor

__sub overload. Subtracts the RGB values.

@param color1 RGBColor

@param color2 RGBColor