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The GameState library contains methods and events related to the global game state - that is, whether it's in a session, loading, paused, etc.

Its events are helpful for initialization purposes. ClientReady, for example, fires when the client transitions from PrepareRunning to Running and is a great moment to initialize anything that could need the client character to be present and/or send messages to the server (both of which are not reliable to do before that point).

GameStateLib Class

Inherits from Feature.

Events and Hooks

GamePaused (event)

GameUnpaused (event)

StateChanged (event)

@field From GameState

@field To GameState

GameReady (event)

Fires when the game transitions from PrepareRunning to Running (on the client)

or when transitioning from Sync to Running (on the server)

Tick (event)

Fired every tick.

@field DeltaTime integer Milliseconds elapsed since last tick

RunningTick (event)

Fired every tick while the game is not paused.

@field DeltaTime integer Milliseconds elapsed since last tick (NOT the last running tick)

LuaResetted (event)

ClientReady (event)

Fired when the client transitions from PrepareRunning to Running,

as well as when lua is reset.

@field CharacterNetID NetId

@field ProfileGUID GUID

@field FromReset boolean `true` if the event was fired from a lua reset.

RegionStarted (event)


@field LevelID string


function GameStateLib.GetState() -- (Server-only)
   -> GameState
function GameStateLib.GetState() -- (Client-only)
   -> GameState
function GameStateLib.IsInMainMenu()
   -> boolean

Returns whether the game is in a main menu-related state.

function GameStateLib.IsInRunningSession()
   -> boolean

Returns whether the game state is within a running session (not paused)

function GameStateLib.IsInSession()
   -> boolean

Returns whether the game state is currently in a session.

function GameStateLib.IsLoading()
   -> boolean

Returns whether the game is within a loading-related state.

function GameStateLib.IsPaused() -- (Client-only)
   -> boolean
function GameStateLib.IsPaused() -- (Server-only)
   -> boolean

function GameStateLib.IsSessionLoaded() -- (Server-only)
   -> boolean