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Inventory Multi-SelectΒΆ

The Inventory Multi-Select feature adds the ability to select multiple items in the inventory UIs to perform batch operations such as moving them to different inventories.
It may be enabled from the "Inventory" settings tab ("Multi-select controls").

By default, Ctrl+Left Mouse Button will select/deselect items.
If at least one item is selected, Shift+Left Mouse Button will select a range of items between the mouse and the first selected item. These controls can be rebound from the settings menu.

Right-click selected items to access a context menu with operations, or drag and drop them to inventory slots, player inventory tabs, or container items to move them.

Context menu for selected items.

Multi-select is supported for the party inventory as well as the container inventory UI.


The "No More Dragging" mod uses a Ctrl+Left Mouse Button key combination, which may conflict with the default one for Inventory Multi-Select. You may have to rebind "Toggle Item Selection" to avoid issues if you're using that mod with this feature.