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UI improvements

Epip contains a plethora of functional and cosmetic improvements over the base game UI. Big thanks to Elric for the new art assets used!

Numerous new UIs have also been added for various purposes. Some of these have dedicated pages on them under the "Major Features" section, other minor ones are documented here instead.

Target Status Bar

Resistance and B/H Display

The health bar at the top of the screen now shows character's resistances as well as their Battered and Harried stacks in EE. The B/H icons will light up if the target has enough of them to suffer a Tier 3 status, and will blink when the duration of the stacks is 1 turn or fewer. Actual B/H statuses are now hidden to reduce clutter.

Health bar showcase

Holding Shift will replace the resistances display with the character's current AP, Source and Initiative - very handy for planning and foreseeing enemy turns. Additionally, it will lower the opacity of status effects on the health bar.

Health bar alt

Flags Display

The "Display Common Flags" setting enables showing additional miscellaneous information under the bar while shift is held, including:

  • Whether Comeback Kid is available
  • Whether Attack of Opportunity is available
  • Whether the character is flagged as incapable of joining combat
  • The character's AI archetype (ranger, rogue, etc.)

Flags display.

These flags are not shown if the character doesn't have them.

Level Display

An option to customize the position of targeted character level display was added.
By default it's displayed in alternate status bar mode (while Shift is held).


Accessible through Options -> Epip settings -> General -> Character Level Display.

After Name:
Below Health Bar:
When holding Shift:

Aggro Display

An option to display aggro-related information was added. It shows current Taunt source, if one exists, as well as whether a character is Preferred, Unpreferred or Ignored by enemies.
You can adjust whether this info is shown in the default or alternative health bar display.
Disabled by default.

Showcase Accessible through Options -> Epip settings -> General -> Show Aggro Information.
Aggro tags explanation

AI chooses its targets based on a number of parameters, such as target's effective HP, how easy it is to get to the target and so on. Its behavior is also influenced by aggro tags.

This information is only relevant for Epic Encounters 2.

  • No tag: AI has no preference on whether to choose this character as the primary attack target or not. However, AI will actively try to hit this character with AOE attacks. Most characters will not have any aggro tag by default.
  • Preferred: AI will actively try to make this character its primary attack target. This aggro tag is manually provided to some important NPCs and is not normally obtainable during gameplay.
  • Unpreferred: AI will try not to make this character its primary target. However, AI will still actively try to AOE this character. This tag is usually acquired by using Subjugated status, and is also manually provided to some characters, mostly summons.
  • Ignored: AI will try to act as if this character does not exist.
  • Taunted: this AI will consider the source of Taunt a Preferred target.

Treasure Display

An option has been added to display noteworthy EE item drops of enemies and containers on their health bar. For characters, this only shows while holding shift. Changes and special cases from Derpy's Tweaks are supported. Accessible through Epip Settings -> General -> Character Level Display, disabled by default.

Treasure display option.

Player Status Bar

The player health bar now shows its values at all times (you needn't hover over it anymore), and the Physical/Magic Armor text was removed to improve readability. Your maximum SP is also shown at all times.

Additionally, an "AP Divider Interval" setting exists to make the AP display show a divider graphic every set amount of action points, making it easier to see at a quick glance how many standard-cost actions you've got left. This is useful when playing with overhauls that use DOS1-style AP economy (Epic Encounters & Divinity Farandole), where the AP bar is otherwise hard to read.

Further minor graphical tweaks were made, such as properly centering AP/SP displays and adding a dropshadow to AP bar to improve its readability.

Player status bar showcase

Player Portraits

The status bar on your characters now wraps onto a second row once there are more than 6 statuses, preventing it from obscuring the middle of the screen during intense fights. Summon portraits no longer show statuses and are shrunk while the status bar is wrapping.
In the settings you may also enable a Battered/Harried display on these portraits.

Player info preview

You can right-click your portraits to open a context menu where you can hide the status bar and summons, as well as access the Debug Cheats if you're in developer mode.

Player info submenu

Other settings Options -> Epip settings -> Player portraits
Display B/H on player portraits

Display nice, big B/H indicators right over player portaits.

Disabled by default.

Status Opacity in Combat

Make statuses less visible.

Hovering over statuses will always show them at full opacity.

Character Sheet

The character sheet now shows physical and piercing resistances.

Charsheet res

The tags tab is replaced with a brand new "Keywords and misc." tab.
It's full of useful information, such as:

  • Remaining reaction charges.
  • Currently equipped Artifacts, with descriptions.
  • Active keyword activators and mutators, with descriptions.
  • Your combat stats. It's not perfect, but it's a good reference.
  • Other miscellaneous other info, e.g. your passive regeneration rates.

Custom stat tab

Examine UI

The Examine UI now shows Critical Chance, and can be configured to open on the sides of the screen instead of the center.

A hotkey exists to the open the UI.

Additionally, there is now a keybind to open the examine menu, and capitalization of the word "Status efects" has been made consistent with the rest of the UI.

Trade UI

  • You can now open containers (ex. backpacks) in the trade UI by right-clicking them; left-clicking items within will offer them for trade
    • Left Ctrl + Left Mouse Button on a container will instead offer all the items inside for trade

Using containers in the trade UI.


You can now unlearn skills by right-clicking them in the skillbook while out of combat. Innate skills cannot be unlearnt.

Additionally, a setting has been added to render each icon in the skillbook UI separately ("Render icons individually" in the "Miscellaneous UI" settings tab). This fixes the issue of icons disappearing when using too many mods that add them, though causes the UI to take longer to open.


Chat commands are added, beginning with a slash (/). The following commands exist:

  • /rp: shows a message over your current character's head. Great for role-playing.
  • /emote: plays an animation for your current character. Use /help emote to see all emotes.
  • /help: shows all commands, or help for a particular command.

Save/Load UI

An alphabetical sorting option as well as a search bar can be enabled in the options for the save/load UI.

Save/load overlay.


The crafting UI now remembers your previous tab, instead of always defaulting to showing all items - this is helpful for using the Greatforge in Epic Encounters. Additionally, you can set the default tab of the UI in the settings menu.

Rewards UI

An option has been added to allow viewing the character sheet while within the quest rewards screen, allowing you to compare rewards to your party's currently equipped items.
Located in Options -> Epip settings -> Inventory -> Show Character Sheet in Reward UI. Disabled by default.

Rewards ui showcase

Overhead Text and Notifications

  • Settings have been added to shorten the duration of overhead text, and to change their size (as well as the size of damage numbers).
  • Notifications from characters casting skills in combat are repositioned to show above the hotbar, so as not to obscure the enemy health bars. They can also be disabled in the settings.
  • You can change the duration of the area transition labels, or disable them entirely.